
Aloe Juice to avoid during breastfeeding

Green Tea




kava root







Grass of San Juan

Some herbs contain alkaloids and are not recommended for consumption during lactation. Avoid drinking green tea during pregnancy too. Although it is full of antioxidants and vitamin C, which inhibits the production of folic acid required in an amount greater when breastfeeding. Fenugreek juice should be avoided in excessive quantities during breastfeeding, because, although aloe juice can increase lactation, can cause diarrhea and upset stomach in the baby. If you are drinking juice during breastfeeding, watch certain ingredients herbal as Kava root, buck-thorn, parsley, thyme, cocoa, rhubarb, ginseng, St. John's wort, star anise, the borage, gingko and valerian, licorice, basil. If you like garnishing your juice with oregano powder, better discard this habit. Your only source of nutrition supply for your newborn baby to grow and develop is through breastfeeding. Drinking any of these ingredients in aloe juice can significantly reduce the amount of milk production. If you are at all the drinking chamomile tea or green tea, make sure they are decaffeinated versions.


juices are safe to drink


red raspberry

Nettle tea


Milk thistle


aloe vera juice 3

If you want to add ginger to your tea, make sure it is freshly ground and unseasoned. According to Chinese medicine, it is not advisable for a young mother to have dried ginger. This will help increase blood flow in your body and relieve symptoms of stomach upset. Red raspberry tea is an excellent choice if you are trying to increase breast aloe juice. It is loaded with minerals and will benefit your child. Nettle tea also works in the same way. Alfalfa can increase lactation by double the amount. Milk thistle aloe is very suitable for its name because this juice also helps increase milk production. herbs rosehip tea is absolutely beneficial for breastfeeding mothers. Citrus juices like orange and lemon are rich in vitamin C. Echinacea tea is a very safe drink and help fight against the common cold and flu, boost your immune system and cure breast aloe juice infections.


Nor is it good to have more supply of milk the baby can drink because excessive quantity will reduce the concentration of nutrition in their milk. If you are not sure whether a particular herb could harm the health of your baby or not, I would advise you to do it their way instead of taking a chance. Observe the mood of your baby. If he / she seems irritable or you notice any physical effect when an herb is consumed in particular immediately excluded from the aloe juice diet.



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